ACP Board Members

President (2024-2026)

Sydney Anderson, PhD

Sydney Anderson is a child and adult psychoanalyst who lives and works in Bloomington, Indiana. She is a Child Supervising Analyst and Adult Training and Supervising Analyst of the Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute, where she serves as Dean. She is also a Geographic Rule Child Supervising Analyst for the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute and Western New England Institute for Psychoanalysis. She is on the Board of the American Association for Psychoanalytic Education, Co-chair of the AAPE Child/Adolescent Training Committee, and Co-chair of the Program Committee of the Association for Child Psychoanalysis.

Secretary (2024-2026)

Laurie Levinson, PhD

Laurie Levinson, Ph.D. I have been an active member of the ACP since my graduation from the Hampstead Clinic (now the Anna Freud Centre) in 1977. I served as councilor from 1989 to 1992, and again from 2010 to 2013. I was the Co-Chair of the Program Committee from 1993-1999, and also participated as a member of the Future Planning Committee. I received my M.Sc. in Developmental Psychology from the University of London, and doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the City University of New York. Since returning to New York from London, I have maintained an active practice of child, adolescent, and adult analysis and psychotherapy, as well as maintaining a strong and active commitment to psychoanalytic education. I was Chair of the Child and Adolescent Training Program at the NY Freudian Society and was also the Associate Chair of the Child and Adolescent Analysis Program at the Psychoanalytic Association of NY (PANY) with the late Dr Charles Goodstein.  At PANY, I have taught for years in both the Adult and Child Analytic Programs.  I am a member of the faculty at PANY and at NYPSI, where I have been teaching in the Combined Child and Adolescent Analytic Curriculum since its inception. My publications in The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child include papers examining pathological identifications in adolescence, unusual defenses in a latency child, as well as a chapter in the 1993 book The Many Meanings of Play. 

Treasurer (2024-2026)

Thomas Barrett, PhD

Thomas Barrett, Ph.D. is a psychologist and psychoanalyst in private practice in Chicago. Dr. Barrett is an adjunct Professor and past Department Chair of the PsyD Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology and is an adjunct Professor at Chicago’s Erikson Institute.  Dr. Barrett undertook post-graduate training in Infant Mental Health with Prof. Selma Fraiberg and completed child analytic training through the Hanna Perkins Center in Cleveland in 1987. From 1990 until July of 2010, Dr. Barrett served as Hanna Perkins Executive and Clinical Director and was a member of the Center’s child psychoanalytic training Faculty.

A member of the Association for Child Psychoanalysis since 1980, Dr. Barrett has served the organization as Counselor, Secretary and Treasurer; presented the Marianne Kris in 2007; and has presented at workshops, to candidates, and at the plenary session at annual meetings.

Dr. Barrett is a member of the American Psychoanalytic Association (certified in Child/Adolescent Psychoanalysis); the International Psychoanalytic Association; the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis (faculty and child/adolescent supervisor); and the Institute of the Carolinas (geographic rule child/adolescent supervisor); the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute (adjunct faculty and geographic rule supervisor). He is a founding member and past Vice President of the Alliance for Psychoanalytic Schools and is a board member and past Treasurer of the Margaret S. Mahler Child Development Foundation. He is a member of the American Psychological Association, (including Division 39 – Psychoanalysis, and is Treasurer and Past President of its Section II – Childhood and Adolescence).

President-Elect (2024-2026)

Sarah Knox, MD

I have had the rewarding experience of learning from and teaching many child, adolescent, and adult analysts for 40 years. My analytic training began while I was a child fellow at the university of Cincinnati College of Medicine. I certified in adult psychoanalysis in 1991 and was appointed a Training and Supervising Analyst in 1995. Additionally, I completed my Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Training through the New Orleans Psychoanalytic Institute.

In addition, for 35 years I have taught analytic classes, supervised candidates, and given over 60 talks, including the Ritvo Lecture at Yale. Throughout my career I have served on many committees locally for the Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute and nationally with APSA and ACP. One of my special skills is to help translate analytic thinking and work to make it accessible for students, colleagues, and laymen. I enjoy bringing analytic colleagues together to support and nourish each other

Secretary-Elect (2024-2026)

Justine Kalas-Reeves, Psy. D

I am committed to the work of the ACP. Not only are the yearly meetings a fun place to exchange ideas and meet/see colleagues in child analysis, but ACP is doing all that it can to support the next generation of child analysts through AFAA grants, CATS, and increasing domestic and international membership.

I'm a child, adolescent and adult analyst in Washington, DC. In addition to supervising psychiatry residents at Howard University, I teach at CFS and WBCP. I have served as Secretary of ACP as well as Councilor, and look forward to serving as Secretary again.

Treasurer-Elect (2024-2026)

Barbara Streeter, MS, LPCC

Barbara Streeter is the Education and Therapy Director of the Hanna Perkins School and Chair of the Cleveland Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Training Program, the result of a collaboration between the Hanna Perkins Center [HPC] and the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center [CPC].  Ms. Streeter received her certification as a Child and Adolescent Psychoanalyst through the Cleveland Center for Research in Child Development [now HPC] in 1981 and is currently a Supervising Child and Adolescent Analyst serving on the Education Committee of the CPC.  Ms. Streeter was Treasurer of the ACP from 2012-2014 and again this past term 2018-2020.  She was a co-editor of the ACP Newsletter from 1998 to 2003.  She also served as Treasurer and President of the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society.   Having trained at the Bank Street College of Education and worked as an early childhood educator, Ms. Streeter has been actively involved in initiatives focused on bringing psychoanalytic understandings to educators in preschools and child care centers.  She directed the Hanna Perkins Center Extension Programs which provided courses and consultations in the community, helped develop and implement the HPC National Day Care Consultation Alliance, and currently is President of the Alliance for Psychoanalytic Schools. Ms. Streeter is running again for treasurer of the ACP because she believes her knowledge of and experience with the ACP budget and Endowment account will facilitate her ability to manage the ACP’s finances.


Term 2022-2025

Sarah Birss, MD

Rex McGehee, MD

Deborah Lynn, MD

Term 2023-2026

Ruth Baer Maetzener, Ph.D

Elissa Baldwin Murphy, Ph.D, LCSW 

Karen Weise, Ph.D

Term 2024-2027

Cheryl Collins, MD

Lorrie Chopra, MS, LLP

David Shaner, MA, LMHC

Candidate Councilors

Term 2024-2026

Jim Grabowski, MA, LCPC

Belinda Torres, PhD 

Administrative Director

Darcy Schatz, JD

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Eagan MN 55122


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